Gossip Girl - Featuring the cast of the new Gossip Girl reboot, Emily Alyn Lind, Jordan Alexander and Whitney Peak – captured by Roe Ethridge, styled by Emmy Wyman. This marks the last issue for Isabella Burley, Jamie Reid, Emma Wyman and Claire Healy.
GCDS - "Out of This World" collection, interpreted by CGI artists Dario Alva and Razorade. This marks the last issue for Isabella Burley, Jamie Reid, Emma Wyman and Claire Healy.
Adut Akech - Spring 2021 issue covers, featuring Adut Akech – shot by Senta Simond, styled by Agata Belcen. This marks the last issue for Isabella Burley, Jamie Reid, Emma Wyman and Claire Healy.
Indya Moore - Spring 2021 issue cover, featuring Indya Moore – shot by Brianna Capozzi, styled by Emmy Wyman. This marks the last issue for Isabella Burley, Jamie Reid, Emma Wyman and Claire Healy.